Truth2kids is a project of Helderberg Outreach, a registered Non Profit Organisation (NPO) in South Africa.
The vision of Truth2kids is to reach as many children as possible with the message of the Gospel – so that they would get to know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and grow in a relationship with Him in order to live as His disciples.
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
We are thankful for the more than 1800 kids that can be reached weekly in the different Bible clubs that we run on farms, in schools, aftercare centres and pre-primary schools. This is made possible with the help of many volunteers who are able to present well-founded Bible lessons, together with fun-filled and creative educational activities. Children from poorer communities are also taken on camps, which they thoroughly enjoy. The camps also create a wonderful opportunity for building relationships and in-depth group work.
We present training to equip Bible club leaders and people in children’s work to teach the truths of God’s Word to children. Workshops, courses and informal training opportunities are being organised on a regular basis.
We are also involved in the communities through helping people in need and making resources available to reach children ranging from the age of 4-14 years with the message of God’s love.
Helderberg Outreach was founded by Helderberg Congregation, Somerset West, South Africa in 2003, and is registered as an NPO in 2004. 032-078 NPO.
The aim is to mobilize believers to become carriers of Christ’s hope in a holistic way to a world in spiritual, material and socio- economic need and to transform communities. Volunteers are mobilized, motivated and equipped to fulfil their Godly calling (Acts 1:8) and to network and form partnerships to achieve this vision. Our aim is to harness passion for Christ and transform it into action for His Kingdom.