We are thankful for the more than 1800 children that are being reached weekly in the different Bible clubs that we run in communities, schools, pre-primary schools, aftercare centres and on farms in the Helderberg basin area.
Statistics show that more than 80% of people who follow Christ, does that before the age of 14 years. It is therefore very strategic to focus specifically on this age group.
Many of the children come from poor communities with many challenges such as violence, alcoholism, drugs and negative peer pressure.
We pray that children can be mentored to grow spiritually and develop Godly characters in order to be spiritually resilient and to stand strong in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Children from some of the Bible Clubs says:
“I used to think that God was a fairy tale, but now I know better” “I’m now a believer”
“You have encouraged me to pray more and not get worried that someone will laugh and I can just be free to talk to God.”
“The stories you have taught made the Bible 10 times more clear for me… I will remember it till my heart stops pumping.”
“Thank you for teaching us about God and the miracles He does and the way He sacrificed His own Son for us and His love.”
“I learned a lot of things, I came closer to God.”
“Thank you for teaching us how to use a Bible properly.”
“I wasn’t very interested in God but now I am.”
“My father says that God doesn’t exist – but I believe in Him.”
“The coming holiday I’m going to take up the challenge and read the Bible when I wake up instead of watching TV….”